- Parish Vale
- Experience New Candidate
- Party The Guernsey Party
What do you think?
Personal Statement
I’m Guernsey born and bred and Guernsey is my passion. I have worked in finance since I left the Grammar School. I believe we need new faces and new ideas rather than more of the same. Now is the time to be bold and sweep away the tired and self-interested old guard. With my ‘can do’ attitude and Guernsey spirit I think I can make things better for everyone.
- Education I support the 3 schools and 6th form college strategy.
- Tax I want NO net tax increases in the next term. NO GST.
- Energy I propose a subsidy scheme for home solar panels.
- Transport We need to own our own ferry. Aurigny to be put on a more commercial footing, but with some route subsidies.
- Recovery I want to see Covid-19 recovery spending to be kept on island.
- I support the 3-school model and the Grammar School converted to a 6th Form College.
- We should continue to fund places at the Colleges for those pupils that can pass the entry requirements and whose parents cannot afford to self-fund.
- All States run schools should be more independent. Central control should be exercised only when strictly necessary which would reduce costs.
Tax & Public Finances
- No net tax increases during the next term and no GST. Increase the tax cap for High Net Worth Individuals.
- Rigorous independent review of States staffing levels, particularly middle and senior roles. Downsize where possible while maintaining or increasing front line staff using savings from elimination of management layers.
- Introduce a fair tax and social insurance charge on non-local ‘white van man’ travelling here on short term jobs.
Covid Recovery
- Invest in infrastructure projects. Local contractors employing local staff should be the default option.
- Accelerate harbour and sea front development.
- Install fibre broadband to the home for the whole island.
- Repair all damaged sea defences and enhance where required to take account of rising sea levels. The entire coastline of Guernsey should be defended.
- I am not in favour in demolishing the L’Ancresse “anti-tank” wall.
Energy, Renewables & the Environment
- Home solar panels should be subsidised and made planning permission exempt. Repayment of the subsidy would be by way of selling surplus electricity to Guernsey Electricity who should enhance their ‘buy back’ feed-in tariff.
- There should be enhanced focus on renewable generation including tidal and offshore wind.
- Ensure the Competition authority investigates UK chain stores to justify their ‘VAT’ inclusive prices.
- Local alcohol brewing and distillation should be taxed at a lower rate than imported alcohol.
- Introduce a Buy Local campaign and encourage Guernsey businesses to be more competitive.
- Seek to develop unique events to encourage visitors.
- Improve tourist offering for our unique history, Victor Hugo, Renoir, Nazi Occupation.
- Consider a tourist information centre at each States operation, for example the Dairy.
Transport & Connectivity
- We should own our own ferry, as the Isle of Man does to give Guernsey complete control over our sea links.
- Give Aurigny a long-term, strategic objective to at least break even on the routes Aurigny deems commercially viable.
- Where the needs of the island demand uneconomic routes and timings the States should subsidise those routes.
- The disastrous ‘open skies’ policy should be revisited. There should be a joined-up government approach to avoid the previous fiasco of subsidising Flybe to Heathrow while causing Aurigny to make losses. This can be achieved by placing all transport matters with one committee.
Constitution & Governance
- Reiterate our constitutional independence from the UK to prevent external interference in our affairs. Develop a plan to deal with a future unfriendly UK Government.
- Introduce new initiatives such as “help to buy” deposit loan scheme for first-time buyers.
- Introduce controls on non-residents buying and renting out local market properties to the detriment of first-time buyers.
- Reduce staff nurse turnover - develop nursing as a rewarding, career choice for islanders with on-island training.
- Renegotiate the reciprocal health agreement with UK.
- Improve access to on-island mental health treatment.
- Embargo on further large developments in the Vale and St Sampsons where infrastructure is under extreme stress already.
- Expansion of exemptions from planning permission. Simplification of the planning process.
- Halt removal and shrinking of parking spaces island wide.
- Increase access to parking in St Peter Port to drive regeneration of the town.
- Encourage transition to electric vehicles by improving charging infrastructure and providing grants for low-emission vehicles.
Social Policy
- Support the creation of consumer protection legislation.
- Support the creation Freedom of Information legislation.