- Parish St Pierre du Bois
- Experience Current Deputy
Personal Statement
As your Deputy I will continue to speak out and make representations to challenge government proposals and policies on issues that affect the island community. I offer extensive experience as policy advisor to governments, university lecturer and teacher. Our education system must be inclusive, equitable and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. We must protect our environment for future generations and invest in our people and workforce.
- Adopt a three-school secondary model with a single sixth form centre and Guernsey institute for further education to cover all abilities and special needs
- Diversify our economy as well as promote the finance sector
- Combat climate change and promote on-island renewable energy
ECONOMIC PROSPECTS The States must encourage business opportunities and create prospects for additional employment and entrepreneurial growth. Borrowing is unnecessary as we have reserves in place to assist with recovery.
This term the States has placed unjustified increases in TRP on domestic properties. This is a form of regressive indirect taxation that hits pensioners and those on fixed incomes. Better to boost growth rather than raise taxes that could derail the recovery.
We must prioritise climate action to embrace a wide-ranging green recovery strategy encompassing opportunities in renewable energy. Solar, tidal and wind offer huge potential for job growth, apprenticeship training, reduction in energy imports and added security and independence. To boost on-island renewables the States must promote competition and choice in energy, for solar waive planning and building control fees from individuals and scrap the stand-by charge on commercial projects. Emphasis must be given to growing the infrastructure for future electric vehicles and providing incentives for property insulation to reduce reliance on carbon fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
EDUCATION A stable and successful education system is key to building investment confidence and economic success. Earlier this year I led the amendment supporting the three school secondary model with retention of a single sixth form centre and the development of a new Guernsey Institute for further education to alleviate overcrowding and to give every child the opportunities they deserve. Secondary and further education facilities have been too long delayed placing a burden and uncertainty on staff and pupils working in substandard buildings. All our existing primary schools must be retained. They maintain high standards and form an integral part of the soul of our island community.
HEALTH Let’s keep a tight rein on the pandemic and not become complacent. Health and Social Care should focus on providing more skilled physicians to meet our many needs, additional new operating theatres and modern diagnostic equipment to reduce the 18 month waiting time. HSC must continue to provide preventative health care to reduce the risk of premature mortality and support mental health and a range of disabilities. I commend Dr Nicola Brink for her guidance throughout the current pandemic.
The States should provide a reciprocal health agreement with the UK at least equal to that provided in Jersey and the Isle of Man.
Pensioners should not lose their health benefit grant and exemption from prescription charges nor be forced to sell their homes to pay for long term care. The £900 age related tax allowance to pensioners removed by this States needs to be reinstated.
ENVIRONMENT I have a strong interest in safeguarding our island from overdevelopment. I initiated the environmental strategy which was passed by the States to protect our biodiversity and countryside to balance economic growth and environmental sustainability and to provide a vision for future States to follow. The current planning system needs reform to direct future development onto brown field sites, protect existing fields and allow third party planning appeals. Financial assistance needs to be given to homeowners when upgrading protected heritage buildings. The States must repair and maintain the island’s infrastructure and renew areas such as the Valette steps and Fermain wall using local providers and expertise.
POLLUTION I have called on the States to adopt more stringent guidelines to provide a clean and healthy environment free of chemical pollutants that have been internationally condemned. To this end I placed a requete to ban the use of the chemical Glyphosate (Roundup) recognised as a carcinogen by WHO with links to cancer. I was persistent in following up States actions to remove PFOS from the airfield and other sites. The 5 year license has now expired and this toxic chemical remains in temporary storage around the airport without a long term solution. Spending £20 million on extending our sewage outfalls further into the sea instead of being responsible citizens and building a sewage treatment plant has done nothing to clean up our coastal waters.
My fight against plastic pollution began with plastic bottle recycling and agreeing to place a charge on single-use plastic bags. The funds raised have been placed into community and environmental projects. We need to do more together to eliminate plastic waste.
I battled incineration and Suez to reduce particulate and chemical pollution and forced the commissioning of a study on kerbside recycling which revealed it would increase our recycling rate and save thousands of tons of waste entering landfill or export. The successful adoption of kerbside recycling connected to a zero-waste strategy (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) has channelled energies into new waste industries and creative businesses.
CONNECTIVITY Our broadband facilities need urgent investment to deliver competitive ultra-fast connectivity to business and households island-wide to sustain the modern way of life. In the long term reliable, sustainable, and affordable air and sea links are key to develop and recapture short stay holidays to our island and sustain our financial economy. I welcome Weymouth’s wish to connect with Guernsey by sea, the Open Skies initiative and reopening the Heathrow link as part of the recovery strategy when safe given the current global pandemic. Our town centres need adequate parking and ease of access to the retail, hospitality and financial business sectors, key to the survival of the commercial and retail heartlands. There is need for sensitive regeneration in both St Peter Port and the Bridge. We need a modern harbour terminal which will create a positive welcome by sea to our island.
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