- Parish Castel
- Experience New Candidate
Personal Statement
My character, life skills and experiences stand me in good stead for being a forward-thinking and solution-based deputy. I am very practical with an affinity for fixing things and problem-solving. I have excellent leadership skills and believe in teamwork. I seek to optimise efficiency, being innovative and always ready to listen. I am committed to seeing Guernsey thrive and building a true community.
- Guernsey: I am 35, local, educated in Guernsey and the UK.
- Career: Worked in IT, as yacht captain and marine engineer.
- Qualification: F. Degree in Marine Engineering with distinction.
- Decisiveness: Commercial yacht captain responsible for crew and passengers.
- Business: BCS International Diploma in Business Analysis.
I aim to apply my pragmatic and innovative way of thinking to how we move forward in a way that will enable us to support our Island through the possibly tough years to come. We need to be economically active, vibrant and diverse, whilst also being caring and responsible.
There is no quick solution to economic diversity and growth. We have the opportunity and responsibility to invest in the long-term future of the Island with new and bold ideas that will eventually grow the economy and increase our resilience. We must not however ignore the finance industry (our primary revenue sector) and its future needs.
I would like to champion this type of economic diversity and transformation by:
- Pushing for transformation of our high-street to a more activity-based and community-centric vision to fill unused buildings by reducing red-tape for change of use, offering incentives and support.
- Improving skills base and career opportunities for our Islanders.
- I would seek to introduce a light touch regulatory framework to encourage expansion in the finance sector.
- Encouraging start-up businesses and diversity by giving tax incentives/support in the set-up period.
- Proposing NO changes are made to taxes before ensuring that we have re-visited all possible solutions to avoid additional taxation.
- Creating employment opportunities for our islanders and encourage returning to Guernsey after higher education.
I believe that major investment is critically required at this time. Not enough has been spent wisely in the past to achieve optimal growth in terms of capital investment. I would support investment in capital projects to boost the economy, cater for the Island’s future education needs, and promote progressive change, whilst balancing budgets and prioritising accordingly. I would:
- Vote for the three-school model with a separate sixth form academy. We need to urgently solve the pending issue with the schools. Our children are our future; we have the responsibility to make sure they have the brightest possible future.
- Vote for investment into a new, carefully designed Harbour/Sea-front to maximise its potential as an income-producing venture that we can all be proud of (whilst being environmentally responsible and forward-thinking of course).
As a group of islands, we have the responsibility and opportunity to be totally self-sufficient in various ways. I will do my utmost to ensure that we are as efficient, sustainable and green as we can be within the tight constraints that lie ahead, and that money is spent wisely and not wasted. I would:
- Seek to empower our community to work towards sustainable, community-led and community-controlled endeavours.
- Like to promote a more holistic and progressive approach in government. Every member of our community has the ability (and indeed responsibility) to contribute to society in different ways.
- Endorse the policies protecting and nurturing the environment and sustainability in energy, transport and infrastructure whilst focusing on serving Islanders.
Mental Health
The reality is that many of us will suffer from mental illness at some point in our lives. There are many stresses that we all face, and adversely affect us. I am acutely aware of this- my older brother has Asperger’s Syndrome and other mental health disorders. I understand all too well that having a mental health illness takes a huge toll not just on the person but on the whole family. Should I be elected:
- I aim to work toward encouraging the community to not only be mindful, but accepting and helpful to those who are in need. As a community, it is important to provide support without judgement as one would being part of a family. I would strive to build and cement relationships within our community by promoting collaboration and charity work.
- I would like to see the earlier intervention of the mental health services where it is needed, more community-led support and increased understanding.